Install Flying Letters below Mouse Widget


Flying Words Under Mouse

Flying words is almost different to listen right… But this different type of listening will show you a different sight. Many of this design the websites and try to attract that website using some simple tricks, so here’s the one that is flying letters as your cursor moves. To implement the flying letters we have been simplifying many codes and atlast found this. 


Many of the blogger have tried on this and got successed with the flying words and that flying letters will have only one colour that is blue, so with the modified version of it is here, in this we can choose any colour of our own. 

Steps to install flying letters

Here is a simple guide to install get the flying letters below your point of the mouse.
—–>First login in to your blogger account.
—–>Go to the designing part of Template and select Edit HTML.
—–>Find the body of your blog that is </body>, to get it easily press Ctrl and F and type </body> in search box.
—–>Once you find it copy and paste the below code.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var text=&#39; ENTER YOUR FLYING TEXT HERE &#39;;
<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”>

—–>After copying the code save the template and check in you site you will get the flying letters.

To get Change of FlyingWords Colours

—–>First you need to do the above code after this download the below code from here. 


—–>After downloading the code upload it to the dropbox or java script and get that link.
—–>Now replace the link in the code

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var text=&#39; ENTER YOUR FLYING TEXT HERE &#39;;
<script src=”Replace with dropbox link or java script link” type=”text/javascript”>

After Replacing save and check in the website, you will get the different colours of flying words.
If you have any queries regarding this post feel free to comment!!!!!…..

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